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Legal +

Risk Assessments

What we do?

Legal + Risk Assessments

Whats Involved?

A qualified compliance and auditor consultant will review risk assessments, and mapping, reflective of appropriate legislative principles within the appropriate jurisdiction(s). Noting some legislative principles are adopted Nationally or by State/Territory.

Our Considerations?

We take into acount various legislative considerations and immbed this to create or strengthen existing risk frameworks.


Emerging   Legislative Changes


      Mental Health      & Wellbeing


     Workplae        Health & Safety


Training Methods


        Standards        & Best Practices


       Industry Trends        & Changes

How we can Assist?

Aquatic Risk Services Australia's (ARSA) purpose is to provide education to best equipt providers with current workplace health and safety knowledge and in addition, strengthen risk management practices to promote safety and due diligence. Our legal compliance and risk assessment services can help new or existing business to better understand, establish or strengthen their practices. 

Comprehensive mapping will be undertaken to understand your duties identifying applicable Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practices and Best Industry Practices. From here, we can work together to develop targeted approaches to reduce risk and improve systems. 

We work across all States and Territories.

Further Information

Aquatic Risk Services Australia's consultants have in-depth legislative knowlegde and undertake a multifaceted approach when strengthening risk assessments. Contact us now

or book a free consultation!

The Process


Free Consultation

Book a free consultation to discuss your needs, understand our services and how we can assist. 


Preparation + Scope of Works

A specialist consultant will review the information provided by you with specific requirements and prepare a proposal.


Workplace Inspection

We will visit the workplace and begin an inspection. We will work closely with you to collect information to support the service review and undertake an audit reflective of applicable practices, codes, and legislation.


Development + Review

We will develop the service review and finalise the audit results. Additional documentation may be requested. You are provided an opportunity to review preliminary findings and provide a response. 



After the opportunity to provide an initial response, the final document will be provided outlining areas of compliance, recommendations and established project requirements. 


Aquatic Risk Services Australia's (ARSA) deploys an evidence based approach towards legislative and risk assessments. Our systematic processes seeks to identify positive systems of works, gap analysis, areas of improvement in order to strengthen due dilligence. 

Outcomes and Results

Our qualified compliance and auditor consultants will undertake an anaysis against existing systmes of work to identify metheds of compliance and identify areas of improvement in the form of a gap analysis. Furthermore, we can create/develop customised systems of works in order to rectify areas of improvement. 

In addition, legislative compliance can be embedded into existing risk assessments that demonstrates compliance, due dilligence and strengthen risk justification. 

We also offer...

We deliver purposeful training.


Dangerous Goods

Explore our Lifeguard or First Aid training today.

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