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360 Service Review

+ Audit

Launching our new 360 Risk Analysis Lens


New 360 Service Review + Audit

What's Involved?

A consultant will work closely with you to undertake a physical workplace inspection, analyse systems of work and complete an audit to form a comprehensive service review. Our 360 Service Review + Audit will consider legislative compliance, operational delivery, systems of work, risk management, customer experience, physical and psychological hazards within the workplace. Once the 360 Service Review + Audit is complete, a '360 Risk Analysis Lens' will be generated which will detail your performance and provide a summary of potential risk exposures. 

Our Considerations?

We consider six key elements that impact risk and safety functions. 

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Legislative Compliance

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Customer Experience


Risk Management



of Work





Physical + Psychological Hazards

How we can Assist?

Reflective of relevant Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practices, ISO and Australian Standards, our 360 Service Review + Audit will identify opportunities for improvement and highlight areas of strength. We add value by identifying key areas of risk within the workplace and offer  practicable solutions. 

We work across all States and Territories.


Investing in risk and safety has real financial benefits. Data published by Comcare Australia found for every dollar invested into workplace health and safety programs, a return of $5.81 was achieved. Other benefits include:

Identifying and Addressing Potential Safety Hazards

A 360 Service Review + Audit can help identify potential hazards that may not be immediately obvious, allowing for the implementation of corrective actions to mitigate these risks.

Improving Overall Safety

By identifying and addressing potential hazards, a review can help improve overall safety, reducing the likelihood of accidents or injuries.

Compliance with Regulations 

Our 360 Service Review + Audit can support businesses in demonstrating compliance with relevant regulations and industry practices, reducing the risk and exposure of fines or litigation.

Cost Savings

Addressing potential hazards can help prevent accidents and injuries, which can lead to cost savings, by reducing workers' compensation claims, lost productivity, and other expenses.

Improving Workplace Culture + Retention

A safe work environment can improve employee morale and lead to greater job satisfaction, which can lead to improved productivity and retention.

Protect Brand and Reputation

A business that prioritises safety will be viewed more positively by employees, customers, the community and media. 

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The Process


Free Consultation

Book a free consultation to discuss your needs, understand our services and how we can assist. 


Preparation + Scope of Works

A specialist consultant will review the information provided to understand specific requirements and prepare a service proposal.


Workplace Service Review + Audit

We will visit the workplace and begin conducting physical elements of the 360 Service Review + Audit. A separate visit will be conducted at a random time to measure the guest experience.


Development + Review

We will develop the 360 Service Review + Audit and generate your unique '360 Risk Analysis Lens'. You will receive a draft version of the report for you to review. Additionally, you can connect with the consultant to discuss findings and recommendations in a 45-minute online session.



You will receive both a digital and hard copy version of the 360 Service Review + Audit. You will be provided with methods to address any outstanding risks or you can engage in one of our other services.

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